Worldprofit Bootcamp Update: George is buying some ads, get in on the ad co-op now.

It’s September and time to get back to business. Summer is over. It’s SALES season.

George just walked by my office and told me he was on his way to booking some advertising for the Fast Track Ad Co-op. Here’s how this helps YOU.

Are you short on time? Not sure where to advertise? Going to be away for a a bit?

Take advantage of our Fast Track Visitors Program – it’s an advertising co-op!

We buy the ads for you! We are seeing a high conversion of leads that come in from this ad co-op.

This ad co-op is very popular with those that have limited time for promotion, aren’t sure where and how to advertise, and trust George Kosch to post the paid ads in tested places.

100% of the funds from this ad co-op go directly into our paid ad campaign.

Let George Kosch buy the advertising and deliver the leads generated direct to you!

Here’s the cost and how to get in on the Fast Track Visitors ad co-op.

Order 8,000 FastTrack Visitors and get:
Cost: 89.95 US (*****Absolute Best value!)


Order 4,000 FastTrack Visitors and get:
Cost: $49.95 US

–> To order, login to your member area, from left menu select, ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC then click on FAST TRACK VISITORS. There, you can read more about how and where these Associate leads are generated and why they are so valuable, then place your order.

* * * * *

Are you new to Worldprofit? Here’s what to do.

If you haven’t get started the bootcamp lessons do so now
In your Member area on the MAIN PAGE, scroll down the page to see your tasks.
Do what it says to progress to the next lesson.
Those who make sales DO the training then DO the promotion.

You can find an archive of previous training videos in the TRAINING SECTION linked on the TOP MENU.

If you are looking for specific videos by topic or key word you can search in our Home Business Video Library at

Finally, if you want to know what you have to do to make money – in one word – PROMOTE.
The resources and training are ALL in your Member area.
Dig in, get busy, promote, promote, promote.
No promotion, no income.

If you need help submit a SUPPORT TICKET. Link is on TOP MENU. We are here to help you 7 days a week.

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